talloplanic views

By Arell

In the pink

Another day that dragged on a bit despite a manic morning, and I was glad to finish.  At lunchtime I opened my jar of breast cancer awareness Marmite that Mum gave me a while ago.  I do like the stuff.

Having logged off I did a bit of prep for Fidra's voltmeter involving extremely sticky tape, and then remotely attended the second IMechE rail division meeting of this year.  The first half was really interesting, but it started to drag on a bit too.  Meanwhile I ate my tea off-camera!

That all done it was back into the garage to position the voltmeter in its place and then do some more soldering, to replace the connectors on Fidra's battery charging lead that have long since passed their best.  I will need to do a matching plug on the Africa Twin's lead at some point too.

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