
By amandoAlentejo

For Unto Us

...a child is born, Sofía Bethany, just over 4kg (8lb13oz), 3:47am.

They went into hospital only about two hours beforehand, Sofía was born in the birthing pool, and they were home by the time I brought Eden back from Playgroup. She was very quiet when I told her that her little sister was born; asked if she was worried, and she said yes, little thing (extra with her Daddy). Ameliorated some what by the chocolate lollipop (and new pj's) Sofía managed to bring with her. Deb was the official photographer (all the way through), am sure she'll have some great photos on Blip when she gets round to it. Another extra of all four grandkids; Zion and Allegra were so excited to meet their new cousin. 

Early night. Not much sleep last night for some of us. So proud of Julia, who did amazingly. And so glad I could be here.

- the new addition to our family, and that she is healthy and here at last
- toasting her with all the family (minus Mike) together
- all your comments, stars, hearts for my 4,500th Blip yesterday, all read and appreciated, please forgive lack of individual thanks; what a wonderful community you all are!

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