
By Martigan

NOT a Flower.

       A truly WEEeeird memory.  I was at College in York 1962-4 Croft Hostel phone number York 24736.  What was I doing this morning?  Not a bleeping'  clue.  Jerra, 4 yr my junior, can remember things from WAY BACK, when he was 6 & I was 10 & can I hellaslike remember.
       As I passed Maidenhead Aquatics© en route to exit I spotted some fish - and thought "Cichlasoma Ramirezi" - BUT - when I looked them up I found - 
1. NOBODY online would give me the full title to check my spelling. 
2. NOT sure about the variety but they've all been re-Christened since we had them.  "Ram Cichlids, or Ramirezi, belong to the Cichlidae family and are native to the Orinoco River basin in Venezuela and Colombia. They’re scientifically known as Mikrogeophagus ramirezi and are popularly known by other names such as Butterfly cichlids, Blue ram, Gold ram, and more."
 Like I said - WEEeird memory.  We had them in a Tank in Whitehaven and they bred.  We left Whitehaven about Oct - Nov 1987 & never had Rams after that.

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