Going WIDE
We went to south Queensferry for breakfast again this morning.
That is the voucher we got from Bags at Christmas gone now.
It may not be the cheapest place but my word the food is good (the view isn't too shabby either).
I was determined to get all 3 bridges in one shot so I took the fisheye lens on one of the smaller cameras ... and the 35mm-70mm on the big camera which I used to take 9 shots which I stitched together to get the bridges bigger in the frame.
When we got home there were a couple of 'workmen' (and I use the term very loosely) standing about doing not a lot apart from causing a bit of a road block (see the extra). The pavement on our side was closed off and the one on the other side was narrowed right down with one of the two vans (how much money is wasted in having one vehicle per workmen nowadays I wonder) parked on the pavement making it impossible to get past with a buggy or wheelchair and the cones on the road making it impossible for any lorry to pass. To compound it they then closed off that pavement as well. Delivery vans and cars could just get through but 'blind' as the couldn't see if there was anything coming the other way.
It then took them 3 hours to dig a small trench which they immediately filled with gravel and left .... nothing actually done in the trench.
I suspect it will all be coming out again in the next day or two while the actually do what they are meant to be doing.
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