River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Seeds

Got up far too early this morning, but it was a beautiful sunny day …

Spent a few hours gardening after breakfast:
Potted on home grown seedlings of Wild Chicory and Italian Red Chicory “Rossa di Treviso”
Started off salad seeds: Wild Rocket, American Land Cress and Lettuce “Gourmet Salad Mix” - in the hope of having fresh salad leaves in a few weeks time :-)
Also started off a few packets of flower seeds, today’s Blip: Alyssum “Gold Dust”, Aquilegia “McKanas Giant”, Aubretia “Cascade Mixed” and Nigella “Persian Jewels” to feed the pollinators and for me to just look at and to enjoy :-)

All my pots of overwintered rose cuttings, seedlings, herbs and flowers are bone dry so giving them all some water from the water butt next to the garage.

Had an appointment this afternoon with the audiologist for ear wax removal, MrD gave me a lift which was very handy :-)

Loads of love and hugs to all my family / Cariad Mawr
Nos da pawb / Goodnight all XXXX XXX XX

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