
By Pinkhairedlady

Long drive home

A lovely crisp morning and it didn’t take us too long to get packed up and everything squared away to head back home.

We left around 10.30 and after a pitstop for lunch at Durham services we were home by 4.30. Phin mostly slept as he was pretty tired out from all the walking over the weekend. Mr PHL was quite stiff after doing all the driving but his knee loosened off a bit over the evening.

After a quick dinner and emptying all the food and washing from the caravan we both had time to get freshened up before heading to Rotary. Our guest speaker was the Forensic science lead across the whole of Scotland. A biologist by trade she took us through the processes they use to help provide evidence in crimes against the person before talking us through a murder in Glasgow back in 2008. Forensic evidence collected was eventually matched to a suspect who was arrested in his home country after fleeing the scene and was later arrested and convicted. Very interesting talk.

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