Like many people I try and keep up with modern trends and in my pursuit of such new knowledge I have gained some limited understanding of Textspeak, or Textese as it is also known -that informal abbreviated form of writing used in text messages and other online communications. While I know the translation of the more common expressions – LOL, CU, IDK and IMO, every now and again I am stumped by a new abbreviation. Such was a recent example when, in a text message, an American friend said they’d love to meet me IRL. As I live here in Ireland I thought that they must be coming on a visit to the Emerald Isle - an interpretation shown to be completely wrong when a young person informed me that it meant in real life!
We are plagued with numerous such abbreviations and acronyms, many of which are very difficult to translate. Recently we have heard that Donald Trump appears to have taken a stand against the perceived threat posed by DEI. Many people were confused by the letters until they understood that in UK English this is known as EDI. Still confused? Well the acronym stands for the ideals of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, values we often hold up as the key pillars for creating safe spaces, particularly workplaces where people of all races, abilities, ages and identities can feel respected and valued.
They are principles that, in my view at least, should be at the core of all policies, practices and relationships which come together to create and sustain a shared future, where all people have a voice and a valued contribution to the greater good. The danger is when these values are turned into targets to measure success, in and of themselves. It becomes a numbers count.
We begin with providing equality of access and opportunity aiming to deliver more diversity in the public square. We aspire, even legislate to have a more diverse society – a worthy goal, but meaningless if we treat that increased diversity as the end goal. It is what we do with that diversity that makes the real difference. Having diversity in our population is like having the ingredients for a beautiful meal. It is only when those components are brought together – when we move from diversity to inclusion - that we see the real magic at work, that we taste the results of true inclusion where all play their part in creating the final result.
Moving beyond diversity to Inclusion must be our shared goal. It is my view that EDI, rather than a threat, is a biblical theme, one that began in Eden, was evidenced in the incarnation, cross and resurrection and should therefore be core values as we navigate a fallen world where so many cry out to be seen, to be heard and to be included in my, - your future.
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