For Train Buffs
Some while ago I posted a blip showing brand new trains stored at Lithgow. Dozens and dozens of those sets had been purchased by the railways but had been sitting there doing nothing for years, at that stage, due to union disputes, largely relating to employment opportunities for guards.
Don't look now but, after millions of dollars in revised computer software and additional equipment they have actually begun to enter service. The new trains purport to offer unprecedented levels of comfort, security and passenger communication, along with power outlets for computers and phones, improved provision for disabled passengers etc etc. In many ways, they seem to be a big advance on the current "V" sets which (although well maintained) date from the 1980s and 1990s. Some of the original V set rolling stock (since replaced) actually kicked off in the mid 1970s.
While passing the intercity platforms at Central Station, I saw THREE of the new trains, including one undergoing pre commision testing.
These are referred to as "Mariyung" sets (or simply "D" sets). "Mariyung" means "emu" in Darug language, the tribe which is the traditional custodian of Western Sydney land. Recently I discovered that the word "emu" is NOT, itself, aboriginal at all. But that's a story for another day. Anyway ... hopefully, by the end of the year, all of the old V sets will have been retired in favour of the new ones.
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