I'll name that tune in...
A lazy day with the most taxing thing being deciding what to make for lunch tomorrow when Ele, Nikki and baby Orla are visiting.
Not seen Orla since 21st January when I photographed her so I am really looking forward to seeing her. I think I will see a big change in her as in the photos Nikki has been sending she has filled out and is smiling now. Can't wait to have a cuddle.
Some crochet this afternoon working on one of the pram blankets then an early dinner as Linda was coming to cut my hair this evening. She was supposed to come last Monday morning but was ill, so she's working evenings to catch up. It was great to see her as my hair was long overdue a cut. Two inches off and a general tidy up and I feel much better.
David is back at his singing rehearsal this evening as the group have a concert on Thursday night. After my haircut I prepped the mangoes, melon, grapes and oranges for tomorrow's fruit platter. Will do the apples just before serving. For lunch I decided on build-your-own-wraps and I'll provide various fillings and accompaniments like olives, mozzarella balls, basil, sun-dried tomatoes and crisps. Effortless :-))
Four weeks post surgery! Can't quite believe it.
PS The hall floor looks filthy in this shot!! It's the processing! Honest! lol
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