
By Diarised

New path

On my lunchtime plod I discovered a new path and bench that looked intriguing as I thought the path might extend all across the valley but actually it was just a small circular path to the bench and back. It has a pretty nice view though.

Leo arrived home to tell me he had got his first parking fine! He was in a rush getting to College and realised in his first lesson that he hadn’t paid for his parking.  Frustratingly he paid for the day remotely as soon as he realised but the parking warden beat him to it by 10 minutes and he arrived back to Fernando at the end of the day to find him sporting a yellow ticket. So not only had he paid for a day’s worth of parking, he also had to pay the fine!

That is some going by Leo. I have managed over 30 years of driving without a parking fine and he pulled it off in 3 months.  To be fair it was easier to remember when you had to go and pay in cash and display the ticket. It can be a bit easier to forget when you just have to do it via App and phone. Let’s hope that experience makes him remember from now on.

Ian is away on a conference in Brighton for a couple of days.  His hotel room looked very swish from his pictures. No wonder conference costs are always frighteningly high!

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