
By carliewired

73 F/ 23 C

It was a morning 
with a change of plans, but it
all worked out for me!


We were given a wind advisory last evening. Sure enough, I woke around 2 AM with the sound of whirling around my house. Suddenly, something hit the roof above me and rolled......Oh, my! 

This morning I woke with the sun about 7. All was calm. I made my coffee and waited for my appointment at the salon for a haircut. At 8:30 I was on my way. 

I parked in front of the salon that I frequent. I was a bit early. I went to open the shop door just before my appointment time but found it locked. So, I waited in my car. When my time arrived, I called the salon, got an answering machine  and left a message. Moments later, the shop manager called to explain her predicament. She'd been locked out of her house having left all her keys inside. She was waiting for her landlord to come with spares. 

Since I had no other obligations, I said I'd just wait in my car out front of the shop until the manager arrived. Meanwhile, I began birding in the parking lot. 

I watched a pair of doves on top of a light post. They seemed intent on building a nest. A pair of grackles scoured the landscaping. The black male strutted along while the female watched. 

Bird behaviour always interests me. Grackles seem to like the commercial zone - fast food outlets, grocery stores, etc. I see them in parking lots scrounging but don't see them in residential neighbourhoods. I've not seen them at home and just as well. They are quite vocal and can make a lot of noise when in a flock. 

I got my haircut with T who is a fantastic stylist. It was half an hour late, but worth it to have her attention. 

I was back on the road heading home when I stopped at a light behind an SUV from Oregon. This offensive bumper sticker was displayed on it. It made me angry as Oregon is a Democratic state. I said aloud to myself "Yes tRump, we need leave the planet while we still have one!"

I'm home for the day trying to pull a load together for the trip home. I will turn the radio up and make the most of it. 

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