Lucy’s First Competition!
She was fabulous! She really enjoyed every minute.
At the end of each skater’s programme the viewers throw flowers and fluffy toys onto the ice, most get 4 or 5 toys and a few flowers but Lucy got so many she couldn’t carry them all off the ice! They were all from their team members who love Lucy because she’s so funny.
Amelia was so nervous for her wee sister and said she didn’t think she could watch but she did in the end and was so proud of her.
I had to be up early to get the bus to Skipton for my hair appointment - roots done and layers back in. I change my mind every few weeks and grow them out then want them back!
It was icy cold this morning but because it was sunny I thought I could do without thermals. I’m not doing that again until June! I really feel the cold these days.
I’ve just used upholstery cleaner on our sofas so we can advertise them. They weren’t dirty but just needed a freshen up.
I have started following Blipper MicheleAI. She lives in the US and shares some info about what is going on over there. We don’t know the half of it!
Thanks for all the wonderful comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s Blip. I told Amelia and she says thank you to the Blippers!
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