Following on from a previous Blip..........
..............I am so glad I have read this book - The Five - and have booked to go and see tha author on the 28th.
My review of the book reads; This is an excellent book, picked up almost by accident at our local independent book store.
It is a blunt, brutal but very honest re-look at the lives of the 'victims' of Jack the Ripper back in the 1880's and the facts that really moulded their lives.
It certainly made me re-look and think about 'facts' of history in a different light, and not to take for granted all that is written about them.
The author's final words about the people she has written about sum the book up for me.
"The victims of Jack the Ripper were never 'just prostitutes'; they were daughters, wives, mothers, sisters and lovers. They were women. They were human beings and surely that, in itself, is enough".
I am looking forward to meeting the author at the end of the month.
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