2025 Friday — Grands & Greats
We had the blessing this evening of meeting our granddaughter Ashly (without an “e”) and her hubs Robert and their two kiddos, our two youngest great grands, RJ and baby Charlotte. Our daughter Deidre was with us.
It was just fun to see the baby and to listen to little RJ chatting the entire evening with Grandma Deidre.
We were in high hopes that Ashly’s younger brother Emerson would get to join us, but he had a previous commitment with his boss, who is the owner of the company that Emerson works for.
= = = =
This is “Pi” day so it made since to have breakfast at Polly’s Pies. Because I am one of their “e” club members (email), I was sent a coupon to get a free piece of pie for “Pi” day. So, I took my piece of pie in a “to go” container and enjoyed it later in the day.
This was a rainy Friday, and a blessing to have the moisture.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!
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