That's Life
When I posted last night's full moon, I was full of hope that I'd capture the morning's red lunar eclipse. Ha ha, you fool.
I got up at 4.30 and around 5.00 I set off on foot with my camera, dog and moon-finding app. It proved as elusive as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Home by 6.00ish, we then hit the park with the neighbours' dog.
We were visited by the tree fellas (although there were only two) to give the tree a haircut. Permission had been received to reduce the height by 2 metres and to thin it out.
Tommy was taken to the vet for a blood test in the afternoon; quick and uneventful.
In the evening we headed to Derby Theatre for a show. We went via Spoons for our tea. Cheap! The show was a Rat Pack pastiche, cheesy, mildly saucy, good fun. Not one for the top ten but entertaining enough.
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