A Something!
A lesser spotted
Something.. maybe Buzzard-like
swooping around us!
Sometimes I worry when big birds are circling around Leo and I, like maybe he’ll be mistaken for a little rabbit and scooped up :-D Not that I’m a worrier!?!
Anyway, nice walk. I did a big shop, drove older teen to his tutor session, fielded a bazillion calls and emails from social worker and school. Reached Peak Frustration at everyone. School had a really tricky day with him and essentially feel their required level of staffing him is unsustainable, I get it, obviously. But at least they have a team they can cycle around him. Walked Leo again, cleaned bathroom. Ben came home and has been good as gold for the carers but has a nasty swollen ankle from going over on it at school, so that’s mega frustrating as he can’t handle being careful and staying off it, so it’s going exacerbate the behaviour situation at school or lead to me keeping him off which puts me back in the firing line :-/ Can you feel the steam from my ears?? Ah well, the social worker seems in our corner and job one is to make sure the ankle isn’t hurting him, we’ll raise and ice and ibuprofen before bed. Just call me Nurse KCNQ2Haiku :-/
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