La Fhéile Pádraig
Paddy's Day and we went down to the shenanigans in Ballydehob. It was a wonderful parade - very authentic and unpretentious. There were ancient tractors driven by ancient or very young men, donkeys, dancing children, wild wigs, the saint himself, serpents, babies sporting shamrock babygros, pirates, Oasis, matchmakers and coastguards! Mostly it's the colourful Ballydehobians themselves that make it all happen. It was absolutely perishing though, the wind howling down the street. We enjoyed a cup of fennel and butterbean soup to keep us going, then went on to see Finola who had a blazing fire, freshly brewed coffee and barmbrack waiting,
Lots of extras which will go shortly. Jensphotos - there's a beanie for you, worn in the authentic manner.
L.a Fhéile Padrag shona daoibh ☘
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