Everyday Life

By Julez

Surprise Blip Choice!

Today I bit the bullet and got some of the things done for the Court of Protection thing. There's more still to be done, but I'm waiting for bank and other company paperwork for some of it. I was pleased to make some progress anyway.

When dealing with officialdom I'm always scared of making some awful mistake! I find it very stressful. I have more to do, but so far so good.

After lunch we decided we'd head to Swanholme to look for Blips, but as we travelled over Pelham Bridge Brian noticed a steam train on the siding before the station. We decided to park up and try to get some photos - something out of the ordinary for us.

It turned out it was the Flying Scotsman, on its way back to York Railway Museum after a stint at Nene near Peterborough for half term.

It was hard to get shots due to fencing and this seems to be the best of mine. A worker was going home. He let some guys (including Brian!) take photos through the gate he came out of, but he was a bit impatient when it was my turn and made me rush and chop the front off what would have been my best shot! Dickhead!

We then headed to Morrisons for the weekly shop, and we'll go to Swanholme another day!

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