An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Banal Blip Series...

My knackered, painful knee may have rendered me housebound (well that's more to do with the fact Alan's off school and I can't get both of us out the house. Not being able to drive at the mo doesn't help either!) as well as restricting my movements around the house (can't go up/downstairs without David being here as need his help) and not being able to stand for any longer than a few seconds, but on the bright side, it is allowing me to bring you a whole new Blip Series that I have entitled Banal Beyond Belief.

Yes indeedy Blip pals, just when you thought it couldn't get any more boring, I bring you a shot of my nail polish! Given that the extent of my physical activity at the mo is sitting on my arse, my nails have never been so well looked after. Filed, buffed, moisturised and painted to within an inch of their lives. The codeine I'm swallowing combined with the fumes from the nail polish remover is proving a heady mix! Anyone got the number for the Priory Clinic? I think I may be needing it shortly ;-)

Absolutely nothing to report. As mundane a day as it's possible to be. And it's a fasting day. About to have 2 oatcakes and a tin of Weightwatchers chicken noddle soup. Woo hoo.

Oh and I've left my mobile phone upstairs and can hear texts pinging in but can't get it till D gets in from work and brings it down for me. I feel like my right arm's been cut off!

All together now.... :-))

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