
By Woolley

Spring in the park

Sunday is a busy day and was up early to get the dog out before church! There was a joint 10.00am service this morning as we had 10 people getting baptised in an imported hot tub. A very joyful occasion. Each of them gave a short resume of how they had reached the point of baptism, all very different! I shot off during the last hymn as Maggie had not done a poo and the ticket in the car was running out!

Beautiful sunny day but fresh so when I had let Maggie out in the garden I sat and read the paper and my current book, The Seventh Son by Sebastian Ffoulks. Fascinating book! Had cooked sea bass on a bed of red onion, tomatoes and avocado for dinner yesterday and only ate half of it so lunch today was that cold and still tasty! Walked in the park with Maggie and took her off the lead which she is so happy about! I noticed this lovely blossom on one of the trees, my only photo of the day!

Fed Maggie then took the car back and went on to be the welcomer at church and read the lesson 2 Kings 4 vv38 to 44. A story about Elisha that I had never registered before!

Maggie was very happy to see me when I got back. She will be even happier when her owners get back after midnight tomorrow night and I will have gone at 20.30! I am sure she will be fine!

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