All morning, from ten, was spent with one of my students who wanted to learn a new song an polish a few old ones, He has a kind of brain that sometimes messes up where he is in the beat and that can lead to extra or fewer beats here and there. There's just too much going on so we practice focusing on different elements like rhythm, melody, dynamics etc, to make him aware of when and what to focus on to "get back into it". He's done enormous progress and we often have great fun. A one hour lesson can easily stretch out to two and a half, like today, but he's fine with that and he decides when he's had enough.
After a late lunch, some shopping and a short walk it was time for a concert again, this time "Father and Son" performed an hour of Beatles songs in the church nearby. Their name is because two fathers and their three sons are the core of the band, one of the fathers being Martin, my landlord, who's sitting to the far left playing the electric organ. Tonight they were strengthened by one of the sons' girlfriend plus another highly skilled church musician and the priest, who sings pretty ok. I liked most of it and was fighting an envy that I wasn't in the band. That would have been fun but I do my thing and they do theirs. The church was absolutely packed and many had to go home because there were no more seats. So fun that people around here really enjoy the concerts in the church.
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