Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104


Butterfly House duties this morning and it was a lovely morning for pulling up weeds and sycamore seedlings in the community garden. 
It was the first of our volunteer open days and I was a bit disappointed to only pick up 2 new volunteers after having 6 enquiries via email. I hope that the enquirers turn up on one of the next days as neither of the new ones were one of these 6. 

I did an hour in the garden this afternoon before collapsing in a heap on the sofa whilst hubby watched Liverpool lose to Newcastle in the League Cup. It's not been a good week for Liverpool after being knocked out of the Champions League earlier in the week. My brother in NZ is still an avid fan and will have been up to watch it, but probably will have wished he would have stayed in bed! 
Me, I couldn't care less who won. I love most sports, but football really isn't something I watch that often. 

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