He's back!!!!
At last!!! Still (aka Mirror Man) is back in Loch Earn where he belongs! This makes me so happy.
He was in the loch opposite the Four Seasons Hotel in St Fillans but was removed from there seven years ago when the hotel was sold and the previous owners removed him as he wasn't apparently part of the sale and the new owners didn't want him. It caused a bit of an outcry as local Perthshire communities had grown very fond of him, myself included, and we all missed him.
There have been various stories about what happened to him and countless rumours that he was being returned to a different part of the loch, but nothing happened. Then on FB this morning someone posted photos of him saying he had been reinstated in his previous location and of course I wouldn't believe it till I had seen it with my own eyes. And now I have seen! :-))
What a welcome sight!
Word has spread as there were a few cars there with people taking photos of him. There's another rumour that there will be an official relaunch to properly welcome him back. It's the least he deserves :-)
Great to be out in sunshine again. D has emptied the summer house of garden furniture so hopefully over the course of this week he will get all the little personal touches that turn it into the Gin Palace in place so it's ready to use. This of course will be the cue for snow to return!!! ;-))
PS Had an email from Rob Mulholland, the artist who created Still and he tells me the official press release is going out tomorrow :-))
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