Autumn approaching
Challenged myself to a hearty walk today........up Barnicoat Hill. I gave myself a pep talk before leaving's OK not to get to the's 9 years since you last went up're older and less kind to yourself.......etc etc. I'm pleased to say I actually listened to my own advice and, after 35-plus minutes of pure uphill grunt with my heart rate suggesting I was working pretty hard, I decided that was a good first effort and returned home. Extras pic from below where I walked to.......the view from the top is something I'm looking forward to seeing again. Did a few small, dirty garden jobs when I got home then had a shower and collapsed onto the sofa to watch the Australian Grand Prix. Unsurprisingly, I fell asleep!
Today's pic - one of the only leaves left of this little tree......seriously?! It can't be autumn already :/
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