A DIY Morning...as usual, not all straightforward!
This phone grab shot is the only photo I've taken today so it'll have to be my blip!
The movement detector at the front corner of our house, which should very helpfully switch on the outside lights when we approach in the dark, stopped working a few months ago. Over the winter I didn't fancy going up a ladder to replace it in the cold, but as it's a little warmer now I decided to proceed. The photo shows the backplate of the old detector just before I removed it - hence the spider's webs etc.
Of course like all DIY jobs it wasn't quite straightforward. Firstly the little screw holding the two parts of the old detector together was seized so it needed to be drilled out. Then, although the new one was almost identical to the old one, and was bought from the same DIY store (other stores are available), the screw holes for attaching it to the wall were spaced about 1.5 mm further apart than on the old one. (Why can't there be a standard for these things?) So a bit of jiggery-pokery was needed (drilling one of the holes wider than before, filling it with epoxy filler, allowing that to set then putting the screw into that). All at the top of a ladder of course.
Anyway, hopefully this one will last at least 10 years - the old one was at least that old, probably more.
Eagle-eyed blippers may notice two old screw holes in the brick below the fitting - they were from the detector which we had before this old one, and which was a very different shape.
Later, we had a lovely afternoon visiting Son#3 and Grandson A, although a little DIY was done there too.
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