French Italia

By FrenchItalia

619 Runners today

So much quieter than last week.
Managed  a PB been awhile since seen that!
With a very different running mindset now with recurring injuries.
Thats ok with me.. PB.
A cold run! the back  full on wind.. chilly and hard.

Our son is fighting tonight.. for a belt..
I cannot bear Boxing and his poor brains!! and and however it has helped him so much.
Seen picture of his opponent.. seriously concerned.
You never play at Boxing as they say!! v disciplined and training is ruthless..
I just need a message afterwards to know he is ok..
OUr daughter on shift was bitten by drunk.teenage girl so she now has to have bloods and report to write at end of her shift!!  A&E triage paediatics who would of thought..

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