
By sharon143

It was my birthday today but I had to spend quite a chunk of it taking my car in to the main dealership on the other side of the city. Dropped it off at 9.30 via the self service facility and walked up to Sherwood to meet Ju for coffee. It was very cold so I didn't fancy looking around the shops so got the bus to town and had a browse in tk maxx and John Lewis and bought a few bits and pieces. Had been home about 2 hours when I got the phone call to say my car was ready so I caught two buses back to the dealership, expecting a large bill for then to fix the satnav (which had completely stopped working ). Instead I got a complimentary car clean snd no charge! The less good part was that the SD card had become dislodged, which apparently is the most common cause for satnavs not working. Apparently if I had checked it in with a person they would have checked the SD card before I left. Grr! But at least my car is nice and shiny.
Called into Ji’s to borrow her lump hammer on the way home and stayed for a cup of tea.
J arrived not long after I got back - he hammered the wobbly hedge stake back in, and set up my new printer. We then went round the corner to Hemisphere for dinner- delicious! Forgot about photos though so here is the mint tea I had when I got home.

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