jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Stealing grapes

But she did say he could have some. So that's ok ;)

Another hot sunny day so we went to the park to meet up with the tots crew. Bean found Ede and we barely saw them for dust (except to remind Bean at one point that if there was a problem, to not hit anyone but to come and find me). Bear and Zeki similarly went off and did their thing sort-of together! And I sat in the sun and slowly melted. We stayed long enough to see the ice-cream van arrive and what seemed like the entire playpark flooded through the gate for an icecream. Bear and I shared a cone, he took the flake and dipped it in the icecream and had a couple of mouthfuls of icecream proper. Bean had one to himself and was very proud of that :)

Home and a quick tidy up, because some other friends had decided to call it a day on their camping holiday and were taking us up on the offer of a bed for the night! They came bearing gifts of proper yummy food so the barbecue was lit and we enjoyed good food and good company, and Bean and Bear had another little girl to play with. It did make me chuckle that Bean kept calling her "Death" because he's misheard her name, but he was VERY pleased to discover that actually her name started with the same letters as HIS name! After she almost went swimming in the dirt patch with Bear we decided that after tea we'd give them all a bath as they were now filthy with a combination of suncream and coconut oil and dirt. They LOVED it. Thought it utterly hilarious to have extra company in the bath! And Bean was made up to discover they were "having a sleepover" at our house :D Bedtime was full of extra shenanigans, not helped by a sudden realisation that Steve was actually due out at a meeting in the evening so wasn't around to help with bedtime. Eventually I bribed Bean to go to sleep (wish I could remember what I bribed him with - more playtime with Beth probably) and eventually Bear had to be taken downstairs and wrapped up on me while I finished off the housework, before he decided that actually he really was ready for bed.

Really lovely having Lisa and Gareth stay overnight, good to chat with them and spend time with them. Proper treat having just spent a weekend camping with northerners to have another northern couple stay with us!! Not that there's anything wrong with southerners, but my roots are very much northern and I'm sounding a lot more like "me" at the moment :)

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