"She Went That Way!"
The osprey was perched way up on a pole,
and the osprey's name is Jake.
He likes to start his morning...
with a shimmy and a shake.
I keep waiting to see Jake together with his mate, so I yelled up at him.
"Hey Jake...where is your mate?
Isn't your mates name Kate?
I was hoping to see you on a "date",
but I will accept my fate.
I was up early again, but I missed the sunrise by about 15 minutes. Later, we went to see our s-i-l again in the hospital. and then met with a bunch of neighbors in the parking lot to set up for a carport sale we are having tomorrow morning. Since my mother taught me that if you didn't have anything nice to say...to keep your mouth shut...I think that is all I will say about the sale.
How did Jake respond to my question? He yelled back...
"Since it's the start of the day.
she's off to fish at the bay.
I hope she's not off at play...
and I think that is all I will say!"
"Very diplomatic of you Jake.""
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