Arthur Seat...

Quick blip before the new show tonight. Cameron and I started down at Castle FM tonight. A bit of a new set up to learn but it's a stones throw from my flat so very handy for me... alas a little further for Cam! We had a giggle... managed not to swear, didn't do so well with the being inappropriate thing must quit with the in your endos but we didn't break anything so this is good... and they've not called to say we've not to go back so this is good! And the Beeb Boss was listening in... no pressure!!

I had a pretty shitty day and when I got home from work I wondered where I was going to pull some cheer from but it's amazing how much better I feel doing the show. I don't like Tuesdays. It's the worst day of the week for me. I'm not sure why... they're always just a bit shit and I guess with a bit of a fuzzy head and a lack of sleep doesn't help. Still... we had fun and this is a good thing for all future Tuesdays! I love the radio!

Tune in next week... 9pm which is a much better time for us. It's impossible to wind down as soon as the show is over so with the old show finishing at midnight it was verging on 2am before I got to sleep. Finishing at 11pm and being five minutes down the road is a major plus.

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