
By AlsacienneAI

The one chance...

... the Democratic Party had to force accountability by the Republicans was on the passing of a continuing resolution (CR) for a budget to keep the government (such as it is...) open and running. 

The Repugs predictably presented a budget that essentially gives them free rein to continue wielding complete devastation on government agencies. They do not have enough votes to pass this on their own and need some Dems to vote alongside them.  Soooo, in their infinite wisdom, the Dem leadership (pictured as the mouse in my image) announced that, instead of forcing the Repugs to come to the table and compromise or be held accountable for the shutdown, they would vote with the Repugs because "as bad as their proposal is, shutting down the government would be worse."  REALLY????  They've just given Repugs the perfect language for a possible shutdown: "if we shut down, it's the Dems' fault..."

There is a huge rift developing within the Democratic Party -- along age groups: the leadership by and large is ancient and should've retired a long time ago (why oh why would you still want the headache of governing when you're past 80?) and still thinks that "decorum" is the way to go.  The younger set is ready to fight and fight hard and use the tools of the day (social media) to reach out to people.  I really like what I'm hearing and seeing out of them.  I just hope they get a chance at wielding their power...

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