Lunar eclipse
I set the alarm for 4am hoping to catch the blood red moon... It was bright, & it was white, it was also very chilly stood outside, so I went back to bed & snuggled under the duvet.
Later I drove down to CK, got there just in time. I think "we" had 3 mugs of double cream, hot water, & sugar??? Plus a piece of toast tied up in a food poly bag. "to keep it from going soft". Porridge, toast & coffee for 1, then I did a speedy lap of the heath with Indie.
Drove Mum up to Chudleigh for her yearly dementia assessment/ check up.. A 45min apt. We had a bloods apt. My fault, I presumed the info regarding Mum's apt would come up on the screen when I gave Mum's info. Next available apt for the nurse was at another practice on the 7th April. We went to Harvey's for a coffee before going home. I left Mum in CK, drove out to BT nipped onto the care company office to pass in a copy of Mum's TEP, then down to Lidl's to pick up a few bits plus lunch for Mum & I before driving out to the House of Marbles carpark where the breast screening unit was situated.
Back to Mum's I made lunch. Salmon enroute, baked tomato, new potatoes, & broccoli. Mum was set the challenge of picking out the winners at Cheltenham. Lunch was good, for pud we had individual Princess Torta. Last time I ate that was in Sweden nearly 50 years ago. That's the thing with Lidl's, you pick up products you don't expect to find, or are just plain curious. . I spent the afternoon with Mum.
I didn't go to the hospital today. Spoke to J on the phone a couple of times.
J's older sister rang this evening.
I had a message from the landlord, the gutters, are going to be cleaned next Tuesday.
Thanks to Bikerbear aka Anni for hosting Flower Friday. These are the tulips left by Shirley earlier in the week.
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