Where Is That Brick Wall When You Need It?
The engineer was here bang on 8am to fit the smart meter (not our choice - a requirement of the utility supplier). All done and dusted in about 40minutes.
I did some weeding - until my back started screaming. Then I went and stood at a lathe, determined to make something other than sawdust and chippings.
What came out of it was the Cherry and Yew box in the extras.
I was a bit worried about the spinning top I made the other day .... it is now egg shaped and split. However, it still spins well.
After lunch I attempted to get information (about me) from the Government website.
It took over an hour and required that I create a password (after putting in all my details, my passport details, my diving licence details and other other stuff) .... 3 times!!! confirm it (which it refused to believe despite it showing both on the screen.
3 times I went through it all and when it eventually accepted it ....... It told me that all my details were already on the system --- with a different computer generated reference number - was I sure it was me?
Then it wanted me to start all over again - using the original password and number.
That was when I lost the plot.............
The kitchen designer phoned this afternoon and a date & time have been arranged for him to come round.
Our new neighbour popped round and dropped off a couple of cupcakes (3 shots).
How nice of her .... and they tasted even better than they looked.
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