Every Picture Tells .....




I woke up at 05:38 am - seven minutes ahead of the alarm - in the hope of seeing and blipping the lunar eclipse but the only thing to be seen was a cloudy and overcast sky.

Back to bed for a bit more sleep and when I looked out again at 07:30 am there was slushy snow on the cars in the street and white-topped mountains in the far distance.

After a shower and breakfast I headed out in the garden to plant up four hanging baskets with pansies and also plant out a couple of rose bushes, cyclamen and some potted daffodils that had finished flowering.

This afternoon, Gareth the plumber and heating engineer called to do some  more work on the kitchen. He has connected the supply and wastes for the utility room sink, washing machine and heat pump tumble dryer. He also installed an external tap at the back of the house  and fixed a dripping tap in the garage. After three weeks of carrying water and using a bowl, we now have a brand new and usable sink.

Early evening we were treated to a spectacular sunset. The main blip was taken from the back garden at 18:01 and the extra from the end of the road at 18:16. It was difficult to choose between the two.

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