There was more sun than was forecast & so off I went down the crossbill track again...again! It's a lovely walk even without the promise of crossbills. There's a soundtrack of lapwing, curlew and skylark and when it's not windy, it's glorious. I watched a pair displaying - too distant for pics, but very noisy. As I walked back to my car I was grumbling about them not appearing when I walk there & not really looking around... I heard their chuckling sound & blow me - there were 5 of them in the ditch by my feet & I hadn't seen them. Such is my crossbill life!
Walk number two & met D - nice walk, farm shop sandwich at the res & put the world to rights. Lovely :)
Main blip = red grouse wandering along a wall.
Extra is a red grouse view you don't usually see!
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