Camellia flowering in our son’s garden.
Always does well. Must like being neglected!
Another day of sunshine and the odd shower.
Not quite as cold.
Called to see M for coffee this morning.
She has put a bit of weight back on and her face has filled out. Looks more like the old M.
She was going to Pinderfields Hospital this afternoon for her injection.
Every day for two weeks and then two weeks off. Something she will have to do for the rest of her life, but well worth it to keep the leukemia at bay.
Cheerful as always and very positive.
This afternoon MrC and I had a walk over to the pond. Just two Canada geese. 9 mallards and 2 moorhens. No sign of any nest building going one yet.
Just managed to get back before we had a slight rain/hail shower.
Hopefully warming up at the weekend.
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