Allotment 2022 onwards

By misetak

A bag of goodies

Not quite what I expected from my hospital visit today but here was a wonderful fruit and veg stall outside the hospital when I arrived.  I managed to find a space in the carpark quite quickly so had time to explore the  fruit and veg on offer.  I came home with courgettes, asparagus, fennel and a dragon fruit.

I had forgotten how good hospital waiting rooms are for people watching, but I have taken a book to read as well. The ENT appointment involved a long wait before a hearing test and then a nice chat with the consultant.  

Apparently a 10dB difference between ears is enough to justify further investigation, so I now have non-urgent MRI brain scan booked which will take a month or so, followed by another chat once they have the results.  The two bits of good news are firstly that my hearing overall is still good and there wasn't a mention of "for your age", so no hearing aids yet.  Then, for those that are interested in medical matters, the MRI is to check for the presence of an acoustic neuroma, so nothing scary.  The consultant says he doesn't see very many at all and was slightly surprised to have a patient who already has one in the family.  :-)

You can read about them here if you really want to know more.

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