The Fine Art of Retail Sales
We had the best shopping experience we’ve had in years at the best, and possibly only, haberdashery in town: John Helmer’s. Both of Eric’s current white band shirts are in tatters, and he has two concert performances this week-end. So after an earlier, and frustrating search online, we headed downtown for a new shirt and bow tie for his tuxedo.
What wonderful service we got! A saleswoman greeted us, shook our hands, got our names and what we needed, grabbed a tape measure for careful measurement, then began pulling out shirts. She carefully and expertly unfolded and unbuttoned the first one; Eric headed into the dressing room, came out for her inspection, she said “no,” then carefully unfolded and unbuttoned the next. That was the one. Next we looked over the bow ties, picked the one most suitable, whereupon (is he the third generation owner?) Mr. Helmer tied it into a perfect bow and fastened it onto the new shirt. Then the saleswoman carefully refolded, rebuttoned, and wrapped up the shirt. As I handed over the Visa card, for it to get a good wringing out at the cash register, the shop owner gave Eric a few tips for laundering it and caring for the bow tie, and wishing him a good concert.
All the care and attention was very comforting, and that comfort I imagined giving to my sister Karen who is having such a hard time right now. Hard times keep a coming, and you never know who will be next, but some good comes along, too, with a brand new grandson for her.
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