Oh dear having a bad time with blip
I went up to London to see Siena- the rise of Painting 1300-1350 at the National Gallery. With my oldest - as in longest known - friend J who lives near Lewes.
I wrote masses about how astonished and delighted I felt about the paintings, and described 6 of them in detail. Then discovered I couldn’t post any of them. When I tried to delete the painting and substitute the above, which was just a quick snap at about 9pm as I got home, it also deleted all the writing. So I give up. I think I did see something recently about not posting things that breach copyright. I’ll have to try to find out exactly what the policy is. But I’m pretty sure I’ve seen art posted on other journals recently. Anyhow, of course I accept whatever rules blip has. Just a bit frustrating.
The exhibition is extraordinary and very moving; if you possibly can go I would. Also there seems to be a half hour video of the exhibition on you tube by someone called art gallery explorer, which I haven’t yet seen, but hopefully might show some of the things I wanted to show you.
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