Jambo journal

By IainC


And we’re off to Weilheim again after a bit of a delay as one of the flight crew was stuck on the bypass! That’ll take a bit of living down. But the pilot got a fast re-route and made up most of the lost time and a plus was a great view of the moon rising as the sun was setting. Not too long a wait at passport control because I skipped the UK line in favour of pretending to still be an EU passport holder, then we grabbed a sandwich, hopped on a the S-Bahn and were in good time for our train to Weilheim. Which was then delayed because the driver was bringing another train into Munich and it was delayed! Nothing for it but to nip off, skoot back into the main station and grab a couple of cold beers, skit back and enjoy the wait. Into the flat eventually by 11:30. Should we make the bed or have another cold beer first? Decisions, decisions.

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