Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Cold again …

I’m sure today is colder than yesterday …….

Crochet this morning.  We all started a basket (to store our Easter crocheted eggs in), it’s using macrame cotton with a 5mm hook, tough going.  It’s like have a work out with your hands!

In the way home, popped in to pick something up from my sister.  These little clump of mini daffodils are in her front garden, they are lovely.  She’s doing well on a new eating regime to shed some pounds - she had cooked some banana loaf, with no sugar.  It was very tasty, wouldn’t have known there was no sugar in it.

Lace group meeting tonight, lovely talk from our President on Bedfordshire lace.  A good evening (we have had zoom meetings Jan and Feb so first time meeting in person since Christmas).


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