Book Club
Today we met to discuss Wilding by Isabella Tree . I’d read the book before and didn’t take a copy. Luckily it had stuck vividly in my mind in the 5 years since I read it that I was able to join in the discussion. The book we took away to read is The Enchanted April. I’ve no idea what its about-I’ll be able to tell you April!
The other books are my record of books read in the last month. I finished the Lord of the Rings trilogy on holiday and had to resort to the Borrow Box app on my phone for holiday reading. I suspect many of you will not regard the history of Forensics by Val McDermid as holiday reading but I found it absolutely fascinating.
I’ve just finished The Rising Man by Abir Mukerjee which I enjoyed a lot. A detective story set in Calcutta in the 1920 in the days of the Raj, written by the son of Indian immigrants, born in Scotland, who decided to research a period in his ancestors’ history that he did not learn about at school in Scotland.
The Personal Librarian is another very interesting read. The true story of J P Morgan's personal librarian who was unbeknown to him really a light skinned black woman who had to keep her heritage secret.
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