Tangled Tulips
Brought a big bunch of tulips home from London three weeks ago and they have served me well.
Realised l never blipped them so just before they are dispersed l have chosen them for Abstract Thursday.
Another free choice week with no theme.
Best wishes to Ingeborg who is not having the easiest of times x
Dentist first thing, all good.
Then as l had an hour before ballet l went to the little nursery next to the bridge in Ilkley just browsing but l did come home with some plugs of wallflowers as l never got round to planting any last autumn.
Than to Booths for a couple of items.
Ballet as good as ever, then coffee at The Wheatley.
We made arrangements for Saturday when eight of us are going into Leeds for a meal and then to see Jane Eyre performed by Northen Ballet at the Grand Theatre.
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