West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Baby Brown Bunny

These past few days have been hard going, a struggle for me if I am honest with myself, I told my friend that yesterday I felt like just getting into the car and driving, not looking back such is the way people we work with can make us feel.

Tonight I needed just to be outside, the evening was warm, the sun gently arcing across the sky warming my face as I walked. The twins wanted to walk too but the mere suggestion of them taking their bikes was a cunning plan to give me a little solace and for them to accompany me on my travels.

They raced away ahead as I walked alone with my thoughts, I enjoyed the fresh air and the summer sun and the distant shrieks of the twins as they played. I had hoped to maybe catch the kites or the buzzards, so it was the buzzards circling high in the sun and as such not an opportunity to get any decent shots. I watch as they circled the same spot and as I neared I started to scan the ferns for what they were watching. A little patience and sure enough I eventually focused on this tiny baby rabbit flattened into the undergrowth very still big dark eyes focused on its sibling just out of shot.

I liked the shot and put the camera into my pocket and ambled along every so often catching up with the twins as they abandoned two wheels for two legs as they climbed in the trees.

Through these past few days I have been lucky enough to have the support of my friend, checking in, a gentle kindness that I do not have the words to express my thanks for, tomorrow is another day, who knows what it may hold but here is hoping it is better one for us all. Enjoy the little piece of mother nature this evening, best again in large I suspect

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