Very changeable weather today. First thing we had sleet. Then rain. And later on it was sunny. Cold all day.
Went to the Co-op this afternoon. As usual my visit coincided with the arrival of hoards of children from the local comprehensive school. These 3 girls seemed to turn up a few mins before the rest. The Wide Wednesday theme is 'person/people' . Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.
Did a few chores when I got home. I had an invite to visit my brother and sister in law this evening. At 7pm my sister in law arrived to collect me. I had a lovely time and a good catch up. I haven't seen them since before Christmas. I had a chat with my niece who was there too .. and had cuddles with the two cats and two dogs. Arrived home after midnight so its a late blip.
Its a cold night. My weather app is showing minus 2 .
Steps today 6,315
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