Look Out

By chrisf

The Church of St Peter Ad Vinicula

I hadn’t known that there had been peregrine falcons nesting in the tower of the parish church these last few years, 200 metres from my SiL and her husband’s house, until it was mentioned yesterday. So this morning we visited the local churchyard with the dogs, C showing me all the good work that they and others in the community had undertaken to tidy the area up. A chap from Warwick turned up, scanning the tower with binoculars, but there was nothing to see. He was telling us about the ringing of the youngsters these last few years Maybe it’s still a bit early ?

We then walked back towards the house and down a track to view the village allotments. Beyond the gate, in the field, three people in high viz jackets were at work amongst the emerging vegetable crop. And then I heard a short but unmistakable call, looked to the left and saw a peregrine fly from the church swiftly towards Charlecote Park. So they are here !

The extra is another church, and the chap walking towards me is a retired bishop. We had a fascinating conversation. Too tired to go into that in any detail for now.

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