Life through the lens...

By ValC

All kinds of weather

It’s been a day of sunshine, clouds, cold wind, rain and hail.
So no shots taken outside but liked the interesting clouds I saw through the lounge window.

Managed to avoid the rain on my walk down to the village Scout hut.
A new monthly craft class started this morning.
A lot of friends from my Sit and Be Fit were there too.
Certainly had a laugh!
We made an Easter basket with a chicken inside.
A Pom Pom for the body and smaller one for the head.
S and I hadn’t made a Pom Pom since the children were little. Quite small and took ages to make. (probably because we were laughing so much!)
Two hours went very quickly. Including coffee and cake of course.
Just managed to get back home before it started raining.
Photo in extra will make you laugh!

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