I was planning to blip something tattoo-related today but the tattoo artist who is doing my piece got sick overnight and had to cancel (which I appreciated since I don't need to get sick.) We will reschedule when he is fully recovered.
So, there I was standing in the living room idly looking out the window wondering what I'd do with my now-free day...when I noticed several little woodpeckers frozen in place around the patio. A quick glance to the two cherry trees on either side of the patio immediately explained the frozen 'peckers. This little hawk, which I am fairly confident is a Sharp-shinned Hawk, was sitting there scanning the garden. Usually when we get hawk visitors in the yard, it's a Cooper's hawk so kind of a nice surprise to get a sharpie. This is an immature bird, probably from last summer as it hasn't yet molted into adult plumage. A good sign that she has survived her first winter as many hawks don't. She left shortly after I shot this and while I am glad she didn't get any of "my" birds, I hope she finds a meal. I took this at an angle through the window so it's a little soft.
I decided to head into town and get some groceries - total sticker shock these days. It seems that everything has gotten so expensive in the last year. Avocados were $2 each, and they were tiny little things. An immediate sign of tariffs that will surely only get worse.
Cooler today, but still in the 50's which isn't bad. And the very first of my tiny miniature irises sprang into bloom today! This may be the latest they've ever bloomed. A very welcome sight, to be sure.
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