
By Munni

Flying Walls

After just a few hours of work, I went to deliver groceries to my mother and her carers, stayed for lunch, and then went to get a haircut. 

There used to be an empty plot close to my mother’s house, used as a fruit and vegetable garden by some young people from the village. Last autumn, their little garden hut got demolished, and all the fruit trees and flowering bushes ripped out. Later, a huge part of the plot disappeared under extensive concrete foundations.

When I arrived today, I couldn’t get to my mother’s house at first, because three huge lorries were blocking the street - full of prefabricated house parts. A big mobile crane was busy lifting them all onto the new foundations. Looks like it’s going to be one of the biggest houses in the area when it’s finished - or perhaps just a bungalow with a very large footprint. It will be blipped soon, I suppose.

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