
By maureen6002


I have very little ‘proper’ jewellery, though I have a huge stash of costume jewellery gathered from so many places and now seldom worn. And that makes my tanzanite all the more special. 

I don’t think I’d even heard of this beautiful  blue stone before we went to Tanzania around 15 years ago.  It even sounds like something manufactured - and in fact the name was apparently created by Tiffany and Company as it was felt more exotic than the mineralogical name of ‘blue zoisite.’

Tanzanite mines are all located in an area of about eight square miles in the Merelani Hills, near the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, and we bought this little gemstone home as a memento of a wonderful holiday in this country. 

Having bought a gemstone, I then needed to have it made into a piece of jewellery, so it was set in white gold in a Liverpool jewellery workshop - an individual piece that remains a very special possession.  

In other news, Lili’s been back to Alder Hey - they wanted to see her after her Houdini act with her bandage - and the wound has healed so well they’re happy for her to now be bandage free.  Amazing as it’s just over a week since surgery! 

Thanks to Jensphotos for hosting! 

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